Spirent SecurityLabs

Spirent SecurityLabs provides a variety of comprehensive managed testing services, delivered by certified, seasoned professionals. Our security consultants act as an extension of your in-house security team, proactively identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating risks. Augmenting your teams with SecurityLabs experts can help you optimize staffing, supplement your internal expertise, and facilitate compliance through independent third-party testing and reporting. SecurityLabs has been engaged to test the security of many government systems, including elements of critical national infrastructure such as telecommunication, energy and utilities, and transportation, and we have the security clearances needed for testing classified and military systems.
Manual penetration testing of your network infrastructure, web and mobile applications, embedded devices, and source code
Automated scanning and reporting via a unique, unified SaaS platform that offers continuous visibility of your security posture by scanning, analyzing and monitoring your organization’s IT infrastructure
Continuous compliance through independent, customized, automated, on-demand testing
Sector-specific vulnerability testing covering every industry and geography
Consulting services ranging from implementation of best-practice testing methodologies to risk analysis of potential attack scenarios to remediation strategies.