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VIAVI OTU-8000 Optical Test Unit


The OTU-8000 Optical Test Unit combines optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) and optical-switch technology to provide continuous OTDR monitoring of multiple fibers anywhere in the network. The OTU-8000 platform is fully modular allowing for the use of many wavelengths and dynamic ranges in order to optimize fiber monitoring for a changing network.


  • Ensure continuously good service at construction, service activation and beyond

  • Anticipate service disruptions by detecting fiber degradation before it affects service.

  • Reduce MTTR by locating fiber optic faults in minutes instead of hours

  • Reduce operational costs by eliminating multiple erroneous dispatches

  • Protect investments by monitoring long-term fiber performance

  • Reduce construction costs by accelerating test processes and empowering test staff

  • Protect network integrity and security by detecting and locating fiber intrusion

  • Proactively protect infrastructure with the DTS and DTSS modules to detect strain and temperature changes that indicate risks to infrastructure items such as pipelines.

  • Switch scalability up to 1080 ports

  • Web-browser access

  • Advanced fault location

  • E-mail and SMS notifications

  • Scalable and modular in up to 2RU

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